Improve the Air You Breathe

You may not think about your home’s air quality daily, especially if you live in a smoke-free house. However, everyday products like our favorite candles, body lotions, household cleaners, and even our furniture, clothing, and homebuilding products can contain chemicals that off-gas into our home’s air. If you share your home with pets or enjoy opening the windows, you likely also have pet dander and outdoor allergens circulating in the air you breathe, too. For these reasons, Southern Solutions Heating & Air, in Lexington, SC, offers products that can help make your indoor air healthier.

UV Lights

Did you know that there are UV Lights designed specifically for use within HVAC Systems? They are typically installed in the air handler or ductwork of your system. As air circulates throughout your home, it passes through the ductwork, and consequently, through the UV light, sanitizing the air. UV lights can also be used within your air conditioner and air filters.

How They Work

The rays that UV lights emit destroy viruses, bacteria, mold, and other airborne pathogens.

Benefits of UV Lights

  • Eliminate mold and mildew
  • Improve efficiency and airflow
  • Improves indoor air quality overall 
  • Kill virus and bacteria
  • Reduce allergies, asthma, and respiratory issues

Electrostatic Air Filters

Electrostatic air filters are specially designed to attract positive and negative particles from your home’s air. They are attracted to special plates within the filter and stick there until you wash them away.

Benefits of UV Lights

  • Eliminate mold and mildew
  • Improve efficiency and airflow
  • Improves indoor air quality overall 
  • Kill virus and bacteria
  • Reduce allergies, asthma, and respiratory issues

Electrostatic Air Filters

Electrostatic air filters are specially designed to attract positive and negative particles from your home’s air. They are attracted to special plates within the filter and stick there until you wash them away.

Benefits of Electrostatic Filters

Cost Effective: You only need to buy one filter for the lifetime of your system since they are meant to be washed. This eliminates landfill waste, and they can be recycled when you replace your HVAC unit.

Fits Most HVAC Systems: Electrostatic filters come in one size that will fit most HVAC units.

Better Air Filtration: Your home will be cleaner and your air healthier since these filters capture dust, bacteria, viruses, pet dander, pollen, and other particles. 

Uncompromised Airflow: Since electrostatic filters have no pores for particles to accumulate, air will continue to pass through even when the plates are fully coated in debris, meaning you’ll have consistent airflow and temperatures in your home.

Easy Care: Once each month, you only need to wipe the plates clean with a damp microfiber cloth. 

Request a free quote, get information, or ask for professional advice –

call our team at 803-846-2259.

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